Setting the Line Spacing
1. Block the text and click format menu.
2. Click line spacing.
3. Then select the numeric value from the first field and choose either lines or points.
4. Click the Preview button to view the suggested changes in your presentation before accepting then.
5. Click ok to apply the changes.
Using Bullets and Numbering
1. Using Bullets button on the formatting toolbar to automatically add bullets to selected paragraph. Or Click Format menu and click Bullets and Numbering. When shows the Bullets and Numbering dialog box then you can chose different bullet types.
Working with Clip Art
1. Click Insert Menu, Picture and WordArt. To open the WordArt Gallery dialog box. Or you can click the WordArt Icon from the Drawing toolbar.
2. Select WordArt Style and click Ok.
3. Enter the text that you want to using WordArt.
4. Click Ok to place the WordArt Drawing on your Slide.
Working the ClipArt
1. To add clipart to your presentation is to select on of Auto layouts from the New Slide dialog box that includes clipart such as Text & ClipArt or ClipArt & Text.
2. Double-click the clipart placeholder to open the MS ClipArt Gallery or click Insert menu, Picture and ClipArt, the dialog box is Microsoft ClipArt Gallery.
3. Click the category whose images you want to view. The clip Gallery displays a series of individual images relating to that category.
4. Click the image you want to insert your presentation. A menu with several buttons appears.
5. Click the top button, Insert Clip, to insert the clip into your presentation.
Create the Header and Footer
1. Click View menu and select Header and Footer.
2. Choose to add any or all of the following when you print notes and handouts or outlines.
3. Select the Header box then to prints the header text.
4. Select the Page Number box then to sets number on each Page.
5. Select the Footer box then to prints the Footer text.
To send the Header and Footer
1. Click File menu, sent to and select Microsoft word.
2. The Write - up dialog box is includes several options for what you want to export to word.
3. Click Ok to send to Word and open in that application.
How to setting Animation
1. Click Slide Show menu and click Custom Animation.
2. To set the animate slide such as Tile 1 and Text 2.
3. Then choose the effects Tab and set animation and sound.
4. Choose Introduce text and click preview button.
5. Click Ok to final effect and sound setting.
Specifying Multimedia Settings
Use the Multimedia settings tab to activate media clips, such as sound and movies.
Select the Play using animation order check box to play the media clip in this presentation.
Select the Play using animation order check box to play using animation order check box to play the media clip in this presentation.
Working with sound and Movie
PowerPoint includes the capacity to insert media clips into your Presentation. Use these features; you need to have a sound card, microphone and speakers installed on your computer.
Media clips work in much the same way as clip art illustrations and Photographs and also available through the Microsoft clip Gallery.
o MID: Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
o WAV: Microsoft Windows Audio Format.
o MPEG: A standard Video Format.
o AVI: Microsoft Windows Video Format.
o GIF: Graphical Interchange Format.
You can insert your own sound file into a PowerPoint Presentation.
Click insert menu, movies and sound from file/movie from file.
Then select sound file and click Ok.
Dialog box asks if you want the sound to play automatically when you display the slide, click Yes.
Thanks. MS- Power Point 3 post is good. I like it.